Monday, January 3, 2011

Peace 2010!












and December. The end.

I have dubbed 2010 our best-worst year ever. Some things that happened were really great and wonderful and I will remember the rest of my life. Some things changed me for the better. And changed him and us for the better. These were the hard things. The things that seem rotten and you want to run away because it's too much. But at the end of this year, I am glad for it all. It was the hardest year of US for different reasons. It was bittersweet. I was very happy at times and then other times when I felt my saddest. But the strength came just in time. Through the trials, I have felt God. I have felt my Savior. I know Braden has as well. What would we do without these trials? I thank my Heavenly Father for each one.

I do not hope for a year without sorrow or stress. But I hope that when they come, for they surely will, I will find the courage and strength just in time.

I look forward to some big changes and more fun memories with family and friends! I look forward to another year with Braden. And I hope I can look back at the end of this year and say I'm a little better, a little wiser, and a little stronger than I was before.

Happy New Year!!


  1. What a busy year you guys have had! Trials are a funny thing. We definitely grow from them and can usually look back and realize it was for our own good, even if it is hard at the time. You look great friend. You are so pretty! I love all these pictures. And yes, I got the 50mm lens for Christmas. Now I just need to learn how to use it effectively!

  2. Beautifully written Savannah! It's so important to find the good amongst the bad, or we will NEVER survive!

    Love the year of guys did some fun stuff this year!

  3. Love this post!!!!! Put things in perspective beautifully!!!

  4. It's amazing how Trials can make a person so much more stronger in life as well as in relationships, no matter how crappy they are!! Hope you have a fabulous 2011 :) Oh ya, and let me know if you are running any races this year! I'd love to do one with ya!! I'm not the greatest runner, but my goal is to focus on that part for my triathlons!!

  5. I love reading your blog. You are funny, truthful, and share your testimony so sincerely and effortlessly.

  6. cute pictures...i agree it was my worst and best year! weird how that works. Hopefully your upcoming year will be ALL good. ;)

  7. Awww ... I love this! Sorry it's been a tough year. I'm loving your attitude and testimony though. It gives me strength. I've said it before and I'll say it again: you are very wise. Seriously. You have your head on straight and your priorities right - even amidst trials - not to mention an awesome sense of humor to go with it. It's a breath of fresh air to be around you. Speaking of which, I think I need some more fresh air around here. Like, NOW! :)

  8. What a great post! Thanks for writing this. I agree with Amy, you are a breath of fresh air..a breath that I get to take in about 2 days! Trials are sucky, but only after they are gone for a moment can we learn to appreciate them. I hope your year is fantastic....I can't wait to spend this year with ya! I have about 50 new goals but I like your list of 2...I want to exercise everyday...hmmm I did for the first 2 days of this week but not today!!! There goes that goal. I miss running with you friend. LOVES!

