Sunday, July 11, 2010

Stadium of Fire

Thanks for the tickets mom!

This girl has some pipes! She was so great and even made me cry a time ( or two! ) I loved it.

Gorgeous sunset- it was perfect weather that weekend!

What a great country this is! I am overwhelmed with gratitude for those brave people who fight for and lead this country with integrity. That I have the freedom to live without oppression, without fear for my family, my home, or my life. I don't why I was chosen to be born in such a wonderful place and during such an exciting time but I'm so grateful I was.
Happy Independence Day!


  1. Lucky! Looks like that was totally fun.

    Hey, are you running the Top of Utah half again this year? I am running the Provo River half at the beginning of August. Jonny says we might as well fun another one at the end of the month while we are all trained up. (I am not so sure though...)

  2. Wasn't it the best! I was so glad I was there.

  3. I am envious you saw Carrie! Glad you had a great holiday!!

