Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"That sucks"

Rant of the day: I can not stand when you come to someone with a problem and it's obvious that this problem is quite serious and you go on and on and finally stop to hear what wonderful advice or long awaited comfort this person will offer and the only thing they can think up to say is: "That sucks." Wait, that can't be it, waiting, waiting. Nope that's all, and you sit stunned that a person could be so insensitive until they turn there backs and disappear. I can understand a boy saying something like that, a 16 year old boy, but a fellow female? Aren't we supposed to be known for our compassion, intuition, and sensitivity. I vow I will never be so tactless.


  1. ha, just kidding savannah...I'm sorry that your fellow females let you down. Hopefully the next girl you talk to will be a little more sympathetic!

  2. thanks Jill, just so you know, this post applies to you. :)

  3. I'm so glad you found my blog!!! You are more than welcome to come early for the baby shower. Thanks for helping us!

  4. hey friend! i'm sorry this happened. i hope it wasn't me:) love you! PS: this is your best friend skate!!

