Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Our weekend in pictures

Braden calls us "weekend warriors" because we seem to go nonstop all weekend, every weekend lately. And it's so fun! No work, no worries really. We have become experts at squeezing every possible ounce of fun and excitement from those two and half precious days of freedom! I have good intentions to clean my entire house on Saturday but there are soo many better things to do! I'm lucky if I vacuum, do the dishes, and get one load of laundry done on Saturday. I don't think I really did any cleaning this last weekend, I should probably catch up on that now. Oh well.

So we had another splendid weekend with Mother's Day and graduation and everything. On Saturday we went to the temple and went running, I planned my RS lesson and Braden prepared for a Sunday School lesson. All the men took over the classes so the women could enjoy Relief Society, it was really fun to have all the ladies together for once. We went over and played volleyball with family and celebrated our sister in laws college graduation, well I didn't play any volleyball because it's just too embarrassing, I'm really good at eating so I stuck with that instead, went home watched my husband play another sport with our fun neighbors. Sunday was fun too. Holidays are so fun. Being with family and friends is just what it's all about. The Merrill's really know how to have a good time. We play a lot of cards. It sounds boring but with the Merrill's I promise it can get preetty wild.

It's Tuesday and that's okay because there is always a weekend in my future.


  1. I love weekends, especially with family and friends! Douglas' family is just the same with card games! We play hours upon hours and it definitely gets heated up sometimes!! So much fun though :) Hope you have a fantastic summer!

  2. YES, THERE IS A WEEKEND IN THE FUTURE- AND THAT'S WITH ME!!!! :) So excited to see you soon Savannah!!!!

  3. I was able to sit with you for a minute on that Saturday afternoon...what a lucky gal I am!!!

  4. You guys are so fun! Looks like we need to come play with you.

